No download code ?! WTF ! What a total waste of $50 USD.
Sounds like paper. The digital remaster sounds significantly better in comparison to this pressing to which is what this pressing is trying to emulate. An OG CD or stream the OG version and it is so so so much better. This is not how the album was intended to sound stop saying that. Listen to an OG copy and you’ll understand that is not true. So much lacking here a total cash grab with no thought put into the audio quality.
And again, why the hell would they change the photos on the inside? And why wouldn’t they include the OIS? Lame. Avoid.
Is it just me or this sounds awful? Distortion all over the place, I think it was cut too loud. At some point, you just can’t hear anything, the guitars go everywhere in the mix and cymbals get lost... this is a disaster. I don't remember the cd sounding this bad.
There was no Japanese released silver version with obi like there was with DM & (WTS)MG?, right? Did the coloured Japanese Sony pressings (with obi) replace these maybe?
First of all; quality packaging. Second: it's an Oasis record.. f****** rock&roll man! I think this pressing is quite ok. Just had some sound issues with Magic Pie and It's gettin' better (man).