
VariousAvon Attorla​ð​e

Various - Avon Attorla​ð​e album cover


Avon Terror Corps – none


28 x File, FLAC, Compilation





Electronic, Non-Music


Experimental, Field Recording, Drum n Bass, Ambient


1Judith (51)Love You Mate0:48
2Viridian EnsembleStrange Brew (excerpt)12:17
3EkstatisClaves Angelicea1:52
4Bbarb3 Cornered Leek4:11
5Princess DifficultPlant Mutilation3:35
6Grove (2)Rings A Roses3:08
7Silky DisturbanceEmpress3:44
8DaphnellcOblanceolate Leaf7:07
9Monika BadlySnakeroot5:12
10HarrgaImprov OTO 215:16
11Beggar's ButtonsUnder Beech And Redwood3:12
12Tunnel SingersOrphic Moon1:32
13Covers BlownLong Distance4:20
14GC (23)Gabhain Molta Bhride1:58
15Tunnel SingersNursery0:54
16TrES (27)2B Ergot4:22
17Dali de Saint PaulMektoub My Love4:21
18The Healers (13)We Are Your Healers 3:07
19Miss TAKENClimbing 2:59
20X In OHerballs Are Huge 2:02
21Misster SpoonAporia 27:54
22Sab O'Tage, Naked NieceMy Clit Is The Belladonna Berry 4:55
23Innocent HereticLet It Go 11:22
FeaturingGeorgia Cusack
ProducerSomatic Jet
25Mama MatrixBlue Water Lily 4:16
26Tunnel SingersIn The Tunnel 5:07
27Viridian EnsembleStrange Brew Excerpt II5:42
28ExiconGathering Sea Moss10:27


Attorlaðe - āttor-lāþe -
noun, Old English
Meaning: Poison Hater

100% of profits for this compilation go to Solidarity Apothecary for their work on the borders of Ukraine. £1,000 donated so far.

They are currently working from a gas station supplying herbal medicine to thousands of refugees passing by every day. Herbal medicine is widely known and used in Europe and they reported some women crying at the sight of Valerian tincture on arrival. You can read more about their work here.

This compilation Is dedicated to Ellen Percival aka DJ Mooncup who passed away suddenly on Friday 6th May 2022. It is just one of the countless projects and heartfelt manifestations of creativity, activism and love of plants and humans that emanated and continue to emanate from their being. We love you so much. Nothing compares to you.

All people on this comp have a connection with plants and mushrooms that runs deeper than we could fit on this 2hr 50 minutes of herbal dreamscapes and poisoned lucid haze. This female and non-binary line-up acts as an adaptogen to the patriarchal imbalances that poison like venom and can result in pointless wars and destruction. And so we remedy with an Attorlaðe, “poison-hater”. A herbal spell that purifies and lets feminine and non-binary voices be heard.

Artwork featured on the t-shirt and cover design was drawn by Ellen’s friends. Ellen was a botanist and mycologist who would point out and describe in great detail the properties of any plant they came across. May we all strive to learn more about plants and mushrooms to make the world a better place.

"This herb is called stune, she grew on stone,
Stands against poison, stands against pain,
Strong she is called, she stands against poison.
She avenges herself on the malignant one, casts out poison."



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