Somehow not much is being said here regarding danceability of Zuipox and especially Kenhaus. The latter is full of expectations and wants to rise and never really rises but creates this nice suspended tension. It actually groves hard. Die Schwarze Massai is a nice resolve afterwards, all meandering slowly, sound design smart. Sounds like something out of a different record but why not, whatevah.
Initially, I was under the opinion that this was the one to pass up of the 3 physical releases. But after a Groupon deal at the Amoeba Records in Hollywood, which enabled me to purchase this LP for $12.00 (and after listening to the album in its entirety via youTube), I decided to purchase it. Thankfully I did... It is a fantastic album. It took me a moment, but this releases may be the most classic 'Villalobos' out of the 3 volumes. Tracks that progress and meander all the while maintaining a certain psychedelic quality that Ricardo has tapped into . Volume 3 houses my two favorite songs from this recording session, but don't miss out on vol 2. as a stand alone experience.
Track F2 'Die Schwarze Massai' is an engrossing listening experience.