The first vinyl edition has a unique track order and 2 bonus tracks (and is 3xLP not 4xLP). This reprint follows the regular track order (as seen on the 1995 1st print 2xCD, 2xCassette, and 2xMiniDisc) and does not have the bonus tracks.
180 gram with a booklet featuring personal notes and photos, and a 28 page lyric booklet. Shrink-wrapped with a liner covering the rear and spine of the slipcase. Each disc is housed in a custom inner sleeve, itself housed in a secondary custom sleeve.
All songs written by Billy Corgan and published by Cinderful music, BMI except: "Take Me Down" written by James Iha, published by Cellophane Star music, BMI and "Farewell and Goodnight" written by James Iha and Billy Corgan, published by Cellophane Star/Cinderful music BMI
The new/current pressing has different matrix info than the matrix info on this variant, so someone should create a separate entry. I even noticed the labels are a different shade than this version.
Finally got a copy today. Damn this brings back memories.
Likely a digital transfer (i could be wrong but its not the 80s anymore) but still sounds mastered better. Its full and lush, not flat like the cd or digital. If anyone ever wonders what "warm" is with vinyl, this has it. Btw, the pressing is immaculate.
When tonight, tonight came on, i was brought back to different days. The whole album from there kept me on that journey. simpler times.
Can anyone what version Pop Market is selling on this listing? EU "MK" in the runnouts? or same as the 2022 made in Canda pressing? I doubt it has P.USA in the runouts....????
Have ppl figured out yet that Virgin/ UMG is gonna press the shit out of this and flood the market with it? It's not a grail, it's not a white whale. No need to get FOMO or overpay some greedy ass clown on here. Plenty copies t go arround.
Just received this for a birthday gift. This is definitely one of my holy grail pieces. There looks to be no skimping on the art work. Turntable is in storage ATM so I can’t speak to audio quality yet. Anyone have any insight on how to date the copies between 2012/2014/ 2022?
I pre ordered this in 2012 when amazon canada messed up in their pricing. They emailed me and said they would let me know if it came in stock. I put it on a credit card and forgot about it. I paid $38. Going to play this again and see if it sounds as bad as I recall. I know zero is awful but i don't remember the rest of the album sounding bad. I'll report back.
I have a question for You all that can make some difference in recognizing this copy from the 2014 one. Is there anyone who is able to tell if this"worldwide"version has the FBI anti piracy logo on the back? since there is not the back image of the box here there is no chance to tell the eventual difference. thank You to everyone who'd love to answer.