saw them twice in Detroit in the 'winter hymn' era, but playing many songs from this album, they are incredible... however, this LP gets the 'crushed' single LP treatment instead of the expansive 2xLP version it deserves. One day CST Records should go back to the source analog master (as DMST was indeed 8-track geniuses) and run a proper analog reissue of this album (rumours swirling that all CST releases are sent to europe via digital file to be cut and pressed to vinyl...) as someone mentioned below, the amount of Fluff that drifts out of the Canadian Content psuedo socialist/capitialist government funding system in place that lets Broken Social Scene, Alex is on Fire, Death From Above, and a host of other garbage take the mainstream indeed swallowed up DMST... another nod to this being one of the best CST Records releases to boot...
Love the music hate the pressing. It's amazing they get away with putting out such a crap product. The whole thing is music combined with cracks and pops, the entire time. I cleaned on ultrasonic machine and makes no difference.
I saw this band play in a tiny venue in Belfast in 2003 with just three other people present and they played like the place was full. A special sound from a unique time.
soul and onward needs to be heard by everyone.. do yourself a favor and buy this, quality music all the way through and the last track is one of the best closing tracks ever imho.