This is the perfect example of why it was great to be a DJ attending the Old School. Here you have what should really be a Beatlesque "Double A-Side" from the geniuses at Salsoul. Jingo the better of the two songs IMHO, but not by much. This was a 12" to buy two or even three copies of, depending how many tables your crew worked, and you would get your money's worth for 4 or 5 years of using at gigs, even if you only rocked the break behind a newer record. And what WAS your money's worth. In '79, most probably $1.99 each from a store that catered to DJs like "Rock & Soul Electronics" in NYC; or maybe $2.49 if you shopped at a regular Sam Goody type store. 99¢ if you got lucky in a store selling B Stock or Notches. Or there was always your friendly neighborhood Record Pool, or your friend upstairs at 240 Madison Ave. It's nice to make nice to the A&R guys upstairs in NY or LA to get copies of their new stuff they knew you would play (push) for them. Those were the Days. Peace, Joey G.