has anyone compared this to an original pressing? I want to know if the mix just originally sounded like shit or if its just this pressing. Im going to try and find an original copy pressed from the analogue tape in hopes that it sounds much better. this pressing sounds like it went through atleast one digital step with a less than average A/D D/A conversion. its very compressed and fatiguing to listen to.
Great album, but what a terrible pressing. It is so compressed and digital sounding like a low bitrate MP3. As soon as Twice as Hard kicks in, you can hear that something is awfully wrong. Very disappointed.
Sound is absolutely horrible. The mix on the heavier rocking songs sounds horrible. You can't turn the volume up too loud or you will lose your hearing it's so shrill and compact/digital sounding. Listening to "She Talks To Angels" as I type this and it sounds like crap. I'm trying to pull something positive from what I'm hearing, but I just can't. The surface noise is present for sure, but not too horrible on my copy to where it kills the listening experience. It's a poor sounding cd pressed on to a vinyl record. Maybe they will give it the proper treatment someday, because this isn't it. I would suggest you avoid this unless the novelty aspect is all you need from this.
I guess i'm one of those guys that got a shitty copy, because this record sounds terrible. It was snap crackle and popping on its first play. I am so disappointed, because the music is amazing, and I love this album. 5 stars for the music and 1 star for the pressing.
I actually got this re-issue for $28 Canadian, sounds great to be, though didn't American Records do a number of re-issues? I say if you can't find an OG pressing, grab this. Perhaps it has to do with when the records were pressed?
The other reviewers here either received bad copies or their systems are shit because my copy sounds fantastic. I am not hearing any surface noise and the mix isn't muddy at all. This sounds really good to me and I'd highly recommend this pressing to anyone that doesn't have the cash for an OG pressing.