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Exploring from the year 1988
Mental As Anything - Mouth To Mouth
Release Needs Vote
Columbia, Columbia CK 44144 CD, Album 1988 US
Label: Columbia
Label: Columbia
Mental As Anything - Mouth To Mouth
Release Needs Vote
Columbia BFC 44144 LP, Album 1988 Canada
Label: Columbia
Label: Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Don Mills, ON
Label: Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Don Mills, ON
Mental As Anything - Mouth To Mouth
Release Needs Vote
Columbia BFCK-44144 CD, Album 1988 Canada
Label: Columbia
Mental As Anything - Mouth To Mouth
Release Needs Vote
Columbia, Columbia BFCT-44144 Cass, Album, Dol 1988 Canada
Label: Columbia
Label: Columbia