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Exploring from the year 1991
The 3D's* - Swarthy Songs For Swabs
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Flying Nun Records, Flying Nun Records, Flying Nun Records FN167 12", EP 1991 New Zealand
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
3Ds - Fish Tales / Swarthy Songs For Swabs
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First Warning Records 72705-75706-2 CD, Comp 1991 US
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
3Ds - Fish Tales / Swarthy Songs For Swabs
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Flying Nun Records, Festival Records NZ FNCD188 CD, Comp 1991 New Zealand
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records
3Ds - Fish Tales / Swarthy Songs For Swabs
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Flying Nun Records, Festival Records NZ FNMC187 Cass, Comp 1991 New Zealand
Label: Flying Nun Records
Label: Flying Nun Records Ltd.
Label: Flying Nun Records Ltd.