Exploring from the year 1987
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 208 219 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, EMI 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, All 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Inc.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records ISX 1127 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Canada
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Of Canada Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 208 219 LP, Album, Wit 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Club, RCA 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Spe 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Inc.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Gat 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 258 219 CD, Album 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Scandinavia
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records U2 6 LP, Album, Blu 1987 Hong Kong
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records, Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Club, Col 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Inc.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records U26 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Spain
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records RML 53220 LP, Album 1987 Australia & New Zealand
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, PRS 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 7 90581-2 CD, Album 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Club, RCA 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Inc.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, PRS 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, Blu 1987 Italy
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, RP, Gat 1987 Italy
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 670.4011 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Brazil
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records CID U2 6 CD, Album, Dis 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records ISX 1127 LP, Album, Club, Gat 1987 Canada
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records 208 219 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 258 219 CD, Album 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 90581-4 Cass, Album, SR, 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 208 219 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records 14 500 3 LP, Album, Club 1987 Germany
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records 208 219 LP, Album 1987 German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Jugoton, Island Records LSI 11168 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Yugoslavia
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, PRS 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree = ヨシュア・トゥリー
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Polystar R28D-2066 LP, Album 1987 Japan
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records, Sonocord 36 191-5 LP, Album, Club 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records CID U2 6 CD, Album, Nim 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Compact Disc Collection: 25 Years
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree Singles
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U2 PK1 4x7", Comp 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Jugoton U26 LP, Album, RP 1987 Yugoslavia
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records CID U2 6 CD, Album 1987 Europe
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records LAE•705 LP, Album, Ins 1987 Mexico
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records VG 71446 LP, Album, Gol 1987 Greece
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records, Island Records A2 90581 CD, Album, Club, Col 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records 90581-1 LP, Album, Club, No 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Inc.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records CID 1127 CD, Album 1987 Canada
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Of Canada Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records U26 LP, Album, Tra 1987 Ireland
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 7 90581-2 CD, Album 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records, Island Records 90581-4 Cass, Album, AR, 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records CAN U26 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Israel
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records ILPC 66 LP, Album, Gat 1987 South Africa
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records VG 71446 LP, Album, Gat 1987 Greece
Label: Island Records
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Island Records UC 26 Cass, Album, Whi 1987 UK
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Release Needs Vote
Island Records, Island Records 7 90581-2 CD, Album, Club, RCA 1987 US
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records
Label: Island Records Ltd.
Label: Island Records Ltd.