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Exploring from the year 1982
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
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Sire, ZE Records SRK 3681 LP, Album, Win 1982 US
Label: Sire
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
Sire, ZE Records SRK 3681 LP, Album, Los 1982 US
Label: Sire
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
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ZE Records, Sire XSR 3681 LP, Album 1982 Canada
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire
Label: Sire Records, Inc.
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
Release Needs Vote
ZE Records, Sire XSR 3681 LP, Album 1982 Canada
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire
Label: Sire Records, Inc.
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
Release Needs Vote
Sire, ZE Records SRK 3681 LP, Album, RE, Jac 1982 US
Label: Sire
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
Release Needs Vote
Sire, ZE Records M5S 3681 Cass 1982 US
Label: Sire
Label: ZE Records
Label: Sire Records Company
Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Wise Guy
Release Needs Vote
Sire, ZE Records XM5S 3681 Cass, Album 1982 Canada
Label: Sire
Label: ZE Records