Handel*, The London Philharmonic Choir*, The London Philharmonic Orchestra*, Walter Susskind ‎– Selections From Handel's Messiah

£5.00 + £25.00 shipping
(about $37.04 total)

Golden Hour ‎– GH 803
Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo, Misprint
Baroque, Oratorio


Position Title/Credits Duration
A1 Comfort Ye
A2 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
A3 And The Glory Of The Lord
A4 For Unto Us A Child Is Born
A5 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Open'd
A6 He Shall Feed His Flock
A7 Behold The Lamb Of God
A8 He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men
B1 Thy Relese Hath Broken His Heart
B2 He Was Cut Off From The Land Of The Living
B3 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell
B4 Hallelujah
B5 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
B5 Worthy Is The Lamb / Amen

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£5.00 + £25.00 shipping
(about $37.04 total)

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