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Icon credit: Till Teenck

You Can Now Refine Your Marketplace Order Data Exports by Date Range

If you’ve ever needed to access your Discogs Marketplace Orders or Marketplace Order Items for doing your taxes, an inventory overhaul, or just squaring up your finances, you’ll know that the data export tool is essential. Previously, data exports came in an all-or-nothing format — you could only export your entire order history all at once. The ability to isolate your activity makes your data export more accessible and ready to use for things like month-by-month accounting or taking stock of your inventory over a selected period of time.

Now, you can get the information you need at double the speed with new Start and End dates, allowing you to control the date range for your Marketplace Order and Marketplace Order Items data exports. You can also cut out time wasted waiting for data you didn’t want by narrowing down your data export to your preferred dates.

For some sellers, this addition could potentially save several hours waiting for your export to complete and sifting through unwieldy CSV files that date back to the dawn of the Discogs Marketplace. You probably didn’t get into selling music to spend time wading through spreadsheets. Our hope is that by giving you more control over your data export, you get better access to the information you really need, spend less time in the process of obtaining your CSV file and sorting through it, and can do more of the fun parts of selling on Discogs.

Screenshot of the export tool within the Discogs seller dashboard highlighting the date range field

How to set date constraints on your data export 

  1. Click the “Export” tab at the top of your Dashboard (or go straight to the Export page).
  2. Check “Marketplace Orders” or “Marketplace Order Items.”
  3. Select your start date by clicking into the calendar. Your selected start date will be included in your export.
  4. Select your end date the same way as above. Your export will go up to, but not include the end date you select.
  5. Click “Request Data Export.”
  6. Check your Discogs Inbox for your data export, or your email inbox if you’ve opted for that in your Notification settings. You can also refresh the page and your export will be available right on the page.

Please note that date constraints are currently only available for Marketplace Orders and Marketplace Order Items export types.

This small but often-requested feature improvement is part of our goal to make even the less rock n’ roll aspects of selling records more convenient. We’re working on a number of improvements to lighten the admin associated with selling online so you can put more time into the elements of selling music on Discogs you enjoy.

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