- Styx
- Joined on December 31, 2019
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Static BAOI items should be listed before matrix variants. - As part of well-thought-out standardization.
℗ © l
Change based on the principle "should be written as on release".
Restoration based on "should be written as on release" / "as on release" based on forum discussion: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/758397
RSG §5.2.c Matrix / Run-Out
"Glass Mastering
The stamper is based on the master – source material provided from the customer." - https://x-disc.pl/en/cd-dvd/
RSG §5.2.d SID codes
"The SID code does not determine the order of variants in mathematical terms."
The matrix area/mirror band of a CD.
The Release Date (1993) is not consistent with having a SID code.
- From the Discogs Guidelines RSG §5.2.d: "A release with SID codes cannot have been made before 1994.
RSG §4.6.2 role
BaOI: Only one space between strings is recommended.
P.S. BaOI: LBR DF## and DFM## - It has been determined that these are not SID codes and we cannot label them as IFPI codes. LBR DF## and DFM## are individual codes used by the unknown pressing plant.
[quote=Diognes_The_Fox]I am thinking it's best to preserve the entire string. Information can be extrapolated from that into different fields, but we should preserve the full string as it appears.[/quote] : https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/770526#7694420
The Doors - Break On Through Live 1967-1972
RSG §5.10 Absence Of Identifiers vs. BaOI 'none ("...but only when this is needed for differentiation of the release from other versions.).
none - Mould/Mastering SID codes: "In the case of this company, there should be an entry confirming "none" to be sure that another external company did not make the stamper/matrix"
In specific cases where companies have obviously cooperated with each other.
Users are often unable to read the very small letters/digits used in codes. They simply ignore the fact that they exist and do not include them in the BAOI.
Mould number in hub.
Mirrored: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/926860
Old: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/720069?message_id=7150943#7150943
® ™
BaOI corrected, see thread https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/392356?page=5#7584624
"Full "sets" should be posted, but only just the matrix sets." - Please confirm the full details of your copy. Every letter, number or symbol has a meaning.
Incomplete BaOI:
Quote from Diognes_The_Fox from that discussion:
"Incomplete or incorrectly added BaOI data can be removed after a period of 14 days if the contributor is not able to verify or correct the variant data added."
The missing BaOI data like so:
(Variant 1) [not entered]
[quote=bobpitman]As mentioned I find that identifying data that wasnt entered helps completeness of data sets.[/quote]
GM Records (3) & www.gmrecords.pl New Thread: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1028917#10575259
8merch & 8merch.com https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/976987?page=1&message_id=9920383#9918631
GZ Media
Miwa Group https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/975592#9903346
DeSER DESIGNERS Group DeSER DESIGNERS Group www.tloczenie-plyt.com.pl and www.tloczenie-plyt.pl https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/974420#9889880
XDiSC https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/955562#9673412
Matrix/Runout: B0x -> Ass To Mouth - Degenerate
! Kuroneko Media Broker for CD?
Stereo Style & Digi Pres https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/953075#9645608
Rockers Production https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1059655#10932598
BAK www.baktdo.pl https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/980197#9959068
Vegart https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1005521?page=1&message_id=10797400#10797400
AKORD https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/827105?message_id=8215424#8215424
Other (Mould text - "IFPI" is scratched out): ZY02
Mould SID code devoid of letters IFPI ceases to be that code. It's a manifesto of cutting off from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
Example: Antropofagus - Origin
Mould SID Code - The letters "IFPI" were removed unprofessionally by the workers of Akord (2) pressing plant in 2015/2016 from the SID code of the mould.
IFPI - "is scratched"/ a blob / a stain...
IFPI I 700/I Z00/L700/LZ00/: Under a microscope, the code looks like it's cropped at the bottom: https://i.discogs.com/Gq9kmfT2dwCv8mkAFJV--3i8hWxCqJ4QpeTbgOJ8uK0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:590/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2MjIx/MDg4LTE2NzczMzcy/MDctNzA0My5qcGVn.jpeg
Band CDs https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1026963?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10853647#10552440
MCOM https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1022634?page=1&message_id=11030272#10496508
old thread: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/923815?message_id=9326239#9323902
Optimal Media GmbH https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/984175?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10022353#10005241
Digirec https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1002824?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10229723#10234094
Gamma (5)
Baltic Optical Disc ???
www.cdprodukcje.pl ???
Muzik Sfera https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1010241#10325694
RDS Press Published By
Hofa-Media https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1011888#10350795
MCOM Thread is locked: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/923815?message_id=9326239#9323902
Primedio & www.primedio.pl Polish broker - example: Piotr Schmidt Quartet - Saxesful
Mould SID codes: By no means: IFPI UU311 MP, IFPI UU305 MP, IFPI UU314 MP[/u]. Which are related to another pressing plant. From 2009 to ~2012. E.g. Mussorgski - Chaos And Paranormal Divinity. https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1002824#10228757
E.g.: NeWBReed - Live In Rudeboy, Mord'A'Stigmata - Ansia, Genocide Organ - Live In Japan 2003/2007, Marek Kołakowski - Retrospekcja, Saltus - Triumf, Slavland - Lechita E.g.IFPI UU305 MP - it may be a consequence of changing the location of the company to Młyńska 8
44-100 Gliwice Poland? Digirec
E.g. Kult (2) - MTV Unplugged, Various - Atmospheres (Mojo Presents Post-Punk 2020),
LCCN vs. rolls for CD's pressing plants. https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1067413?message_id=11063427#11019103
Diskxpress 8Y** Pressed By
Manufactured By - Optimal Media Production - [matrix#]
Glass Mastered At - DOCdata Germany
Pressed By - DOCdata Germany
LD02 vs. LZ** GZ Discussion: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/759619?page=7&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10786678#10786678
The thread for the vinyl: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/810326
FSV: Mastering SID code: LD81
VDC Group: Mastering SID code: LD11, LD12, LD13 (Letter D wrongly read as O or 0.) Mould SID code: IFPI 5Q**, Sequence number *##### / ###### - ?
Resolved: a URL does not always have to be considered a separate brand: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/997106?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=11021080#10154705
Black Mark https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/932059?page=1&utm_campaign=user-mention&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm#9395476
Samanvii DAAS
*********************************BLACK MARK******************************************************
Black Mark Label - Black Mark Production - Black Mark AB
Black Mark Production vs. Black Mark AB / forum:
"Black Mark..." LCCN ?
2022 March
The change of the label is due to the update of information and discussions on the forum: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/932059?page=1&utm_campaign=user-mention&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm#9395476
In the beginning there was a Black Mark Label sub-company in 1984 for a parent company Tyfon Grammofon AB.
The existence of the Black Mark Label began with the release of Bathory - Bathory.
Tyfon Grammofon AB
Black Mark Label (1984 - 1991)
Label Code: LC 6201 - to 2001 Black Mark Production (1991 - 2001)
Label Code: LC 06201 Black Mark new logo (2001/2002 - present) with a slogan "Metal for the World" Black Mark (3)
Profile:Black Mark AB to be defined Phonographic Copyright ℗ & Copyright ©
OCTAGON - 1995 - "BOD" (BOD Berlin Optical Disc):
Bathory - Octagon & Bathory - Octagon The official original CDs have been confirmed, the first of which is the Mastering SID code: IFPI L357 (1995) from the BATHORY discography.
Information from the book - BATHORY hagiography - "Del Hades al Valhalla" from 2016 by José Luis Cano Barrón.
As part of the correction: Despite the admiration and respect for the titanic work that the author has done, the book has several errors (for which the author himself apologizes in advance).
Rectification:Due to its incorrect translation and interpretation ... Sorry! "Boss, however, did not participate personally in the writing of this book. Though many other people helped the author from Quorthon's entourage.
First press: format CD:
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Under One Flag – CDFLAG 26 - UK - Oct 1988 - MPO
Bathory - Hammerheart - Noise International – N 0153-2 for Black Mark Production - Germany - Apr 1990 - MAGNA W.-GERMANY - Label Code: LC 9066
Bathory - Bathory - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - The Return...... - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - CDT Berlin - LC 6201
Bathory - Requiem - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1994 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - LC 6201
Bathory - Requiem - Black Mark Production/Cargo Records - Canada - 1994 - Glass Mastered at – Cinram (#YYMMDD... MFG BY CINRAM)
Bathory - Octagon - Black Mark Production - Germany - May 17, 1995 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - Octagon - Black Mark Production - Germany + USA barcode- May 17, 1995 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Black Mark Production - Germany - 27 May 1996 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - LC 6201
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds - Black Mark AB - Sweden - Oct 23, 2001 - DOCdata Germany - Label Code: LC 06201
DOCdata Germany - Digital media manufacturer located in Berlin, Germany. It was established in 1999. In 2008 the company name changed to DOCdata Media GmbH.
The company was known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc between 1991 and 1999.
Black Mark Official Releases (CD Format):
Bathory – Blood Fire Death:
- Germany - 1993 - Distribution by Rough Trade - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc;
- Germany - 1993 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc;
- Germany - 1998 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc; Label Code: LC 6201
- Germany - 2003 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: DOCdata Germany. Label Code: LC 06201
---------------------------- BOD Berlin Optical Disc ------- Mould/Stamp, label side -----------------------------------------------
Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - The Return...... .... ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 2 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
Bathory - Blood Fire Death 1993 - ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 3 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - Correct? Variant added in 2016?
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark .... ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 2 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
Bathory - Requiem 1994 (Variant 3, Mirrored, Mould, label side): 3 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
DOCdata Germany 1999 - 2008.
Sony DADC --Since spring 2000, "Sony DADC" (Made in Austria)
------------------ 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In addition, in 2003 there were 5 different editions in CD format, 3 German, one German-Swedish, one English and one Russian.
The first digitally re-mastered albums, released in the summer of 2003, were:
Next followed the albums:
- as well as the JUBILEUM VOLUME I double album, JUBILEUM VOLUME II double album and JUBILEUM VOLUME III released in the Autumn of 2003.
Successively, all BATHORY CD’s out on the market will be replaced with the digitally re-mastered and enhanced cover artwork versions. A tell-tale sign to denote a wrapped CD as a digitally re-mastered CD, is to look for production year on the reverse. If it says © 2003, then it’s a re-master.
Börje Forsberg
Since 2003, Black Mark Productions has been resuming Bathory's entire discography in waves. With the release of the entire last album "Nordland II", the premiere of which coincided with the 20th anniversary of the band's existence. Re-issues also appear immediately after the death of Stig Börje "Boss" Forsberg (R.I.P .: September 14, 2017), father of Quorthon (R.I.P .:
June 3, 2004).
DOCdata Germany - It was established in 1999 and formerly known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc.
For this reason is Glass Mastered At.
DOCdata Germany
Label Code: LC 06201
2002-2003: Mastering SID Code: IFPI LL88 & Mould SID Codes: IFPI 52**
Bathory - Nordland I - Release added by the user in 2005.
Bathory - Nordland I - Release added by the user in 2006.
Bathory - Nordland II - Release added by the user in 2006.
Bathory - Nordland II - Release added by the user in 2007.
Bathory - Octagon - Release added by the user in 2012.
Bathory - Requiem - Release added by the user in 2012.
Bathory - Hammerheart - Release added by the user in 2013.
Bathory - Bathory - Release added by the user in 2014.
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Release added by the user in 2014.
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - The Return...... - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Release added by the user in 2015.
---------------------------------- Sony DADC --Since spring 2000, "Sony DADC" (Made in Austria)------------------------------------------
Black Mark AB in 2006 - Made in Austria. - only discs with this information can be assigned to this release: "Made in Austria" - Glass Mastered At – Sony DADC: Mastering SID Codes: IFPI L555 & IFPI L551:
Label Code: LC 06201
2006: 010065xxxx-010076xxxx
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2007 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Hammerheart - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2008 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - The Return...... - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Bathory - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2011 - IFPI L554 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Requiem - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2013 - IFPI L555 -----no mention---
Bathory - Octagon - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2013 - IFPI L555 -----no mention---
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2015 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Nordland I - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2015 - IFPI L555 Made In Sweden
Bathory - Nordland II - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2017 - IFPI L555 Made In Sweden
------------------ 2010------- Sound Performance --- (It was previously a DOCdata UK (2009 - 2014)-----------------------------
BATHORY - release - Black Mark - Matrix/Runout - forum:
Black Mark Production in 2010 decided to re-release Bathory's discography.
Sound Performance was commissioned to press CD's, which barely took over plant in Telford, Shropshire from DOCdata Media Ltd. (DOCdata UK) in 2009.
Matrices made by Sound Performance (Glass Mastered At (?) It was previously a DOCdata UK company).
For some reason, the Promese company received an order to press CDs on their machines (based on ready-made matrices from Sound Performance).
2010 from book "Del Hades al Valhalla":
Pressed By – Sound Performance (2009-14)
Made By – Sound Performance
Pressed By – Promese (2008 - 2016): Mother matrix made by Sound Performance, and on its basis at Promese, copies of this album were reproduced on their machine.
Label Code: LC 06201
Black Mark Production in 2010 - Mastering SID Codes: IFPI LP76 & IFPI LT23 - Mould SID Codes: IFPI AAH** & IFPI 73**:
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Bathory added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese / Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - The Return...... added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods added by the user in 2011. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood Fire Death added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2015. ???? By Sound Performance
Bathory - Requiem added by the user in 2015. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Octagon added by the user in 2015. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Hammerheart added by the user in 2015. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2015. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Nordland I added by the user in 2016. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese / Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Nordland II added by the user in 2016. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2017. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood Fire Death added by the user in 2017. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Hammerheart added by the user in 2017. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2021. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods added by the user in 2021. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
---------------------------------------------------Sony DADC, Southwater------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stig Börje "Boss" Forsberg, father of Quorthon (Bathory) and owner of Black Mark Productions died on September 14 in 2017.
Another thread (Sony DADC, Southwater) - Mastering SID Codes: IFPI LY33 & IFPI LY34 - Mould SID Codes: IFPI AEW**
Black Mark Production in "2016 - 2018" - Mostly different users:
Label Code: LC 06201
Bathory - Nordland I ~ 2016 - esk...
Bathory - Blood Fire Death ~ 2017 - Lem...
Bathory - Bathory ~ 2017 - bto...
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark ~ 2017 - Nog...
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods ~ 2017 - Nog...
Bathory - Nordland II ~ 2017 - Dru...
Bathory - Blood On Ice ~ 2018 - esk...
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods ~ 2019 - Nog...
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds ~ 2019 - tar...
Bathory - Hammerheart ~ 2019 - Vin...
Bathory - Octagon ~ 2019 - Vin...
Bathory - The Return...... ~ 2020 - Mor...
MPO - French vinyl, CD, DVD pressing and cassette duplication plant, manufacturing and distribution company.
Black Mark Production in 2018 (from matrix):
Label Code: LC 06201
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods 2018
Bathory - Hammerheart 2018
Bathory - Blood Fire Death 2018
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark 2018
Bathory - The Return...... 2018
Bathory - Bathory 2018 Japan - Distributed By – Disk Union - this released Bathory - Bathory
Bathory - Bathory 2018
Bathory - Requiem 2019
Bathory - Octagon 2020
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds 2020
MPO The time stamp is clearly separate from the rest of the matrix (totally different font size), so putting these in one line is just a (not allowed) preference edit - see also this similar case: https://www.discogs.com/release/53594-Happy-Nation/history?diff=63&page=2
---------------------------------------Sony DADC BMCD666** 21 A00-----2018-2019------------------------------------------------
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2019. Sony DADC BMCD66612 21 A00
Bathory - Nordland I added by the user in 2021. BMCD66618 91 A00
Bathory - Nordland II added by the user in 2022. Sony DADC BMCD66620 66 A00
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2022. BMCD6663 21 A00
----------- Glass Mastered at or Pressed By – Optical Experts Manufacturing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Label Code: LC 06201
Not an official release?? Exception?
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Issue at least controversial, or a stupid joke ?! Glass Mastered at – BOD Berlin Optical Disc - from 2003....
Bathory - Octagon - Glass Mastered at – BOD Berlin Optical Disc - from 2003....
!!! 'Pressed By' + 'Glass Mastered At' for every manufacturer?
NCB (Nordisk Copyright Bureau) = Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Estonia - also written as "n©b".
So we enter rights societies as on release.
█ ■ ✳ ¤ •
Ææ Ãã Ââ Āā Ăă Ąą Ää Åå Àà Áá Çç Čč Ćć Ðð Ď Ěě Ĕĕ Êê Ēē Ëë Ęę Èè Éé Ģģ Ìì Íí Îî Ïï Īī Įį Ķķ Ĺĺ Ļļ Łł Ññ Ņņ Ňň Ôô Õõ Øø Ōō Œœ Öö Òò Óó Ŗŗ Řř Şş Šš Ţţ Ûû Üü Űű Ųų Żż Žž Þþ ß ÿ
ⓤ € £ $ ¿ ¡ ¼ ¾ ½ µ ± ≠ ℅ ∞ ₁ ₂ ₃ ¹ ² ³ ¢ § ° º × † ♥ ♦ ✩ ★ ← ↑ → ↓ ¦ | ± ‒ – ■ · • ∴ № ∇ ⋆ ◊ ∆ Λ • »« „ÄäÖöÜüß“ △ ▽ ▷ ◁ ✱⚹ ✵ ❉ ❋ ✺ ✹ ✸ ✶ ✷ ✵ ✴ ✳ ✲ ⁎ ☑ ☐ × ✘ ✔
Alphabetical - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809350
Numerical - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809348
Symbols - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809349
RSG §5.2.j ASIN is the Amazon Standard Identification Number...
Expanded format is preferred RSG §6.1.2
??? "Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY22" ???https://www.discogs.com/label/283546-DigiCon ??? https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/761866 ???
The Mastering SID Code identifies the machinery used to make the glass master.
Role of "Cinram GmbH" - the company is identified from the glass master.
The Mould SID Code[b/] indicates the plant where the disc was replicated and a serial number which can be set freely by the plant. It consists of the letters “IFPI” followed by a four or five alphanumeric digit code
! "[b]iƒpi - 𝑖𝑓𝑝𝑖" ! RSG §5.2.d SID codes (Source Identification Codes): "When entering SID codes, please do not transcribe the logo as iƒpi. Lowercase ifpi should be used instead."
ZPAV is a member of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry IFPI.
When Should Release Be Removed? RSG §15.1.2
Not a Repress as this is a new cat#
Technicolor 0MM
Technicolor Mould SID Code: ifpi 7Q**
UG21 or UG2I http://redump.org/disc/46022/
Accept - Too Mean To Die UG2I vs. UG21
Benediction - Scriptures UGII vs. UG11
"Slowdive - Pygmalion
Matrix / Runout (CD 1 variant 2): CAP07073 CDBRED463A 02 www.keyproduction.co.uk
Mastering SID Code (CD 1 variant 2): IFPI LR79
Mould SID Code (CD 1 variant 2): IFPI UG11
Matrix / Runout (CD 2 variant 2): CAP07072 CDBRED463B 02 www.keyproduction.co.uk
Mastering SID Code (CD 2 variant 2): IFPI LR79
Mould SID Code (CD 2 variant 2): IFPI UG11
CAP07073 - Looks like a 2022 matrix to me.
Myriad Please help: Are we able to determine if this should be the matrix from Vantiva, Piaseczno, Poland?
[quote=Myriad]There's no need for separate submissions here. They come from the same manufacturing plant from last few years. We've never made a practice of creating a new submission for every single new glass master made as part of continuous manufacture by the same plant.[/quote] "
ARVATO "Certain clients such as Sony Music or Warner may replace the Arvato logo with their own, or there may be no logo present at all. Arvato may still be identified on such CDs by the matrix format, 5xxxxxxx matrix number and mould SID code IFPI 07xx.".
Concept Records (6)Sound and glass mastering facility located in Malmö, Sweden. CDs glass mastered at CDM can be identified by "CDM0x" or "CDMAx" in the matrix, where "x" is a digit from 1 to 4. CDM produced glass masters for a number of different European pressing plants in the late 1980s and 1990s, including:
Kdg kdg (Koch Dureco Group) - Matrix numbers
kdg CDs often possess a 6-digit matrix number: Example: Matrix / Runout: 789.400 #1 ServiceDVD.it
Sony DADC Forum: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/906958?page=2#9819713
PRS Hannover - PDO, Germany - Polygram, Hanover, West Germany - PMDC, Germany:
By the way, there are different PDO matrix styles:
1) old (smaller) matrix font, symbols "⚹" or "#". Used 1986 to approxemately 1990.
2) new (larger) matrix font, symbols "'/", "+" or ">". Used 1988 to 1991.
A) PDO HANOVER in the matrix, used in 1986 and maybe 1987.
B) W. GERMANY in the matrix (with space), used 1986 to approxemately 1988.
C) W.GERMANY in the matrix (without space), used from 1988 to 1991.
Known combinations (looking at my collection) are: 1A, 1B, 1C and 2C.
MADE IN GERMANY (without manufacturer) does indeed refer to PRS Hannover pressings from 1991-1992.
RSG §12.2.9 "Enhanced CDs containing extra material...".
"Enter the enhanced tracks after the audio material.". - Not an audio track.
Do not guess or attempt to apply personal standards to these tags. If you are going to do multiple edits regarding these tags, remember to follow guideline RSG §14.1.2
"A release with SID codes cannot have been made before 1994. If the date cannot be established with a citation or an adequate explanation, the date should be left blank." RSG §5.3
UK & Europe - Europe, see https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/717608#7133070
RSG §6.1.5 The Free Text field should be used to describe:
! RSG §6.1.6 "...released using different packaging (for example, a slimline jewel case and a Digipak), package description should not be added to the free text field, but remain in the Release Notes.".
Pressed By – EDC, Germany – ########
Matrix with small letters: Pressed 2005-2007
Matrix with capital letters: Pressed after 2007.
Glass Mastered At - DOCdata Germany it was formerly known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc.
?"? Akord (2) Pressing
Stereo Style - this is only broker company
Matrix / Runout: XXXX
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L700
Mould SID Code ("IFPI" scratched out): ZY02"
Sony DADC matrix: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/906958?page=2#9563876
! "In February / March 2021, the wmfono company ceased production and ceased to exist.
The services were taken over by X-DISC (www.x-disc.pl)."
https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/719616?page=12 - by X-DISC "?"
RSG §12.6.5 When the printed durations do not match the actual durations and the difference is more than ±5 seconds, enter the actual durations and list the printed durations in the Release Notes. When the difference is less than ±5 seconds, enter the printed durations.
BaOI - "none": Referring to a section of the paragraph 5.10, to distinguish and determining the role in the LCCN.
RSG §5.10 "...but only when this is needed for differentiation of the release from other versions."
Only use to the mastering SID code to definitively confirm its absence.
Removed unnecessary square brackets.
RSG §4.7.1 The catalog number is usually the most prominent number printed on the release - often on the spine, on the back cover, and on the label etc. The catalog number should be entered directly as it appears on a release - it shouldn't be altered for conformity with other catalog numbers listed on the label page.
TAKT + bonus info: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/719616?page=14&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10427229#10427214
- one with 8285532 02 6
- one with 8285532 02 6 MADE IN THE UK
- one with 8285532 02 6 MADE IN THE UK BY UNIVERSAL M & L
"Black Disc" This version of the disc is made of black polycarbonate, not regular CD (transparent polycarbonate) . Commonly known as the Black Disc.
RSG §6.1.5 "The Free Text field should be used to describe:
Any non-standard color of the audio carrier."
"This "free text" field can be used to note anything else about the release that doesn't fit into the other fields." Something that distinguishes a given edition from others.
"Gold disc" - discs using gold as the reflective surface instead of aluminum.
The holograms: ZPAV vs, ZPAV-ZAIKS
"The number on the hologram sticker is different on each copy. The prefix itself might be useful though.
ZPAV from sticker to differentiate it from ZPAV-ZAIKS holograms which came later.
ZPAV is not a musical rights society but a manufacturers' rights society (member of IFPI)..."
STEREO tags https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1027948?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10581691#10583197
! https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/824039?message_id=8225437 !
Part 1 in the Runaljod-trilogy - music inspired by the 24 runes of the elder ᚠᚢþᚨᚱᚲ (futhark - runic alphabet). Each part deals with 8 runes. The runes explored on part 1 are ᚺ (H), ᛒ (B), þ (TH), ᛃ (J), ᛚ (L), ᚲ (K), ᛉ (Z), ᛞ (D).
℗ © l
Change based on the principle "should be written as on release".
Restoration based on "should be written as on release" / "as on release" based on forum discussion: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/758397
RSG §5.2.c Matrix / Run-Out
"Glass Mastering
The stamper is based on the master – source material provided from the customer." - https://x-disc.pl/en/cd-dvd/
RSG §5.2.d SID codes
"The SID code does not determine the order of variants in mathematical terms."
The matrix area/mirror band of a CD.
The Release Date (1993) is not consistent with having a SID code.
- From the Discogs Guidelines RSG §5.2.d: "A release with SID codes cannot have been made before 1994.
RSG §4.6.2 role
BaOI: Only one space between strings is recommended.
P.S. BaOI: LBR DF## and DFM## - It has been determined that these are not SID codes and we cannot label them as IFPI codes. LBR DF## and DFM## are individual codes used by the unknown pressing plant.
[quote=Diognes_The_Fox]I am thinking it's best to preserve the entire string. Information can be extrapolated from that into different fields, but we should preserve the full string as it appears.[/quote] : https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/770526#7694420
The Doors - Break On Through Live 1967-1972
RSG §5.10 Absence Of Identifiers vs. BaOI 'none ("...but only when this is needed for differentiation of the release from other versions.).
none - Mould/Mastering SID codes: "In the case of this company, there should be an entry confirming "none" to be sure that another external company did not make the stamper/matrix"
In specific cases where companies have obviously cooperated with each other.
Users are often unable to read the very small letters/digits used in codes. They simply ignore the fact that they exist and do not include them in the BAOI.
Mould number in hub.
Mirrored: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/926860
Old: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/720069?message_id=7150943#7150943
® ™
BaOI corrected, see thread https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/392356?page=5#7584624
"Full "sets" should be posted, but only just the matrix sets." - Please confirm the full details of your copy. Every letter, number or symbol has a meaning.
Incomplete BaOI:
Quote from Diognes_The_Fox from that discussion:
"Incomplete or incorrectly added BaOI data can be removed after a period of 14 days if the contributor is not able to verify or correct the variant data added."
The missing BaOI data like so:
(Variant 1) [not entered]
[quote=bobpitman]As mentioned I find that identifying data that wasnt entered helps completeness of data sets.[/quote]
GM Records (3) & www.gmrecords.pl New Thread: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1028917#10575259
8merch & 8merch.com https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/976987?page=1&message_id=9920383#9918631
GZ Media
Miwa Group https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/975592#9903346
DeSER DESIGNERS Group DeSER DESIGNERS Group www.tloczenie-plyt.com.pl and www.tloczenie-plyt.pl https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/974420#9889880
XDiSC https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/955562#9673412
Matrix/Runout: B0x -> Ass To Mouth - Degenerate
! Kuroneko Media Broker for CD?
Stereo Style & Digi Pres https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/953075#9645608
Rockers Production https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1059655#10932598
BAK www.baktdo.pl https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/980197#9959068
Vegart https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1005521?page=1&message_id=10797400#10797400
AKORD https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/827105?message_id=8215424#8215424
Other (Mould text - "IFPI" is scratched out): ZY02
Mould SID code devoid of letters IFPI ceases to be that code. It's a manifesto of cutting off from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
Example: Antropofagus - Origin
Mould SID Code - The letters "IFPI" were removed unprofessionally by the workers of Akord (2) pressing plant in 2015/2016 from the SID code of the mould.
IFPI - "is scratched"/ a blob / a stain...
IFPI I 700/I Z00/L700/LZ00/: Under a microscope, the code looks like it's cropped at the bottom: https://i.discogs.com/Gq9kmfT2dwCv8mkAFJV--3i8hWxCqJ4QpeTbgOJ8uK0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:590/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTI2MjIx/MDg4LTE2NzczMzcy/MDctNzA0My5qcGVn.jpeg
Band CDs https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1026963?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10853647#10552440
MCOM https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1022634?page=1&message_id=11030272#10496508
old thread: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/923815?message_id=9326239#9323902
Optimal Media GmbH https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/984175?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10022353#10005241
Digirec https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1002824?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10229723#10234094
Gamma (5)
Baltic Optical Disc ???
www.cdprodukcje.pl ???
Muzik Sfera https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1010241#10325694
RDS Press Published By
Hofa-Media https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1011888#10350795
MCOM Thread is locked: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/923815?message_id=9326239#9323902
Primedio & www.primedio.pl Polish broker - example: Piotr Schmidt Quartet - Saxesful
Mould SID codes: By no means: IFPI UU311 MP, IFPI UU305 MP, IFPI UU314 MP[/u]. Which are related to another pressing plant. From 2009 to ~2012. E.g. Mussorgski - Chaos And Paranormal Divinity. https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1002824#10228757
E.g.: NeWBReed - Live In Rudeboy, Mord'A'Stigmata - Ansia, Genocide Organ - Live In Japan 2003/2007, Marek Kołakowski - Retrospekcja, Saltus - Triumf, Slavland - Lechita E.g.IFPI UU305 MP - it may be a consequence of changing the location of the company to Młyńska 8
44-100 Gliwice Poland? Digirec
E.g. Kult (2) - MTV Unplugged, Various - Atmospheres (Mojo Presents Post-Punk 2020),
LCCN vs. rolls for CD's pressing plants. https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1067413?message_id=11063427#11019103
Diskxpress 8Y** Pressed By
Manufactured By - Optimal Media Production - [matrix#]
Glass Mastered At - DOCdata Germany
Pressed By - DOCdata Germany
LD02 vs. LZ** GZ Discussion: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/759619?page=7&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10786678#10786678
The thread for the vinyl: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/810326
FSV: Mastering SID code: LD81
VDC Group: Mastering SID code: LD11, LD12, LD13 (Letter D wrongly read as O or 0.) Mould SID code: IFPI 5Q**, Sequence number *##### / ###### - ?
Resolved: a URL does not always have to be considered a separate brand: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/997106?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=11021080#10154705
Black Mark https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/932059?page=1&utm_campaign=user-mention&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm#9395476
Samanvii DAAS
*********************************BLACK MARK******************************************************
Black Mark Label - Black Mark Production - Black Mark AB
Black Mark Production vs. Black Mark AB / forum:
"Black Mark..." LCCN ?
2022 March
The change of the label is due to the update of information and discussions on the forum: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/932059?page=1&utm_campaign=user-mention&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm#9395476
In the beginning there was a Black Mark Label sub-company in 1984 for a parent company Tyfon Grammofon AB.
The existence of the Black Mark Label began with the release of Bathory - Bathory.
Tyfon Grammofon AB
Black Mark Label (1984 - 1991)
Label Code: LC 6201 - to 2001 Black Mark Production (1991 - 2001)
Label Code: LC 06201 Black Mark new logo (2001/2002 - present) with a slogan "Metal for the World" Black Mark (3)
Profile:Black Mark AB to be defined Phonographic Copyright ℗ & Copyright ©
OCTAGON - 1995 - "BOD" (BOD Berlin Optical Disc):
Bathory - Octagon & Bathory - Octagon The official original CDs have been confirmed, the first of which is the Mastering SID code: IFPI L357 (1995) from the BATHORY discography.
Information from the book - BATHORY hagiography - "Del Hades al Valhalla" from 2016 by José Luis Cano Barrón.
As part of the correction: Despite the admiration and respect for the titanic work that the author has done, the book has several errors (for which the author himself apologizes in advance).
Rectification:Due to its incorrect translation and interpretation ... Sorry! "Boss, however, did not participate personally in the writing of this book. Though many other people helped the author from Quorthon's entourage.
First press: format CD:
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Under One Flag – CDFLAG 26 - UK - Oct 1988 - MPO
Bathory - Hammerheart - Noise International – N 0153-2 for Black Mark Production - Germany - Apr 1990 - MAGNA W.-GERMANY - Label Code: LC 9066
Bathory - Bathory - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - The Return...... - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - P+O Pallas - LC .... (none)
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1991 - CDT Berlin - LC 6201
Bathory - Requiem - Black Mark Production - Germany - 1994 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - LC 6201
Bathory - Requiem - Black Mark Production/Cargo Records - Canada - 1994 - Glass Mastered at – Cinram (#YYMMDD... MFG BY CINRAM)
Bathory - Octagon - Black Mark Production - Germany - May 17, 1995 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - Octagon - Black Mark Production - Germany + USA barcode- May 17, 1995 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Black Mark Production - Germany - 27 May 1996 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - LC 6201
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds - Black Mark AB - Sweden - Oct 23, 2001 - DOCdata Germany - Label Code: LC 06201
DOCdata Germany - Digital media manufacturer located in Berlin, Germany. It was established in 1999. In 2008 the company name changed to DOCdata Media GmbH.
The company was known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc between 1991 and 1999.
Black Mark Official Releases (CD Format):
Bathory – Blood Fire Death:
- Germany - 1993 - Distribution by Rough Trade - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc;
- Germany - 1993 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc;
- Germany - 1998 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: BOD Berlin Optical Disc; Label Code: LC 6201
- Germany - 2003 - Distribution by SPV - Glass Mastered At: DOCdata Germany. Label Code: LC 06201
---------------------------- BOD Berlin Optical Disc ------- Mould/Stamp, label side -----------------------------------------------
Label Code: LC 6201
Bathory - The Return...... .... ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 2 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
Bathory - Blood Fire Death 1993 - ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 3 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - Correct? Variant added in 2016?
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark .... ([Mould ring CD face - stamped]): 2 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
Bathory - Requiem 1994 (Variant 3, Mirrored, Mould, label side): 3 - BOD Berlin Optical Disc - .... Variant added in 2022 ????
DOCdata Germany 1999 - 2008.
Sony DADC --Since spring 2000, "Sony DADC" (Made in Austria)
------------------ 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In addition, in 2003 there were 5 different editions in CD format, 3 German, one German-Swedish, one English and one Russian.
The first digitally re-mastered albums, released in the summer of 2003, were:
Next followed the albums:
- as well as the JUBILEUM VOLUME I double album, JUBILEUM VOLUME II double album and JUBILEUM VOLUME III released in the Autumn of 2003.
Successively, all BATHORY CD’s out on the market will be replaced with the digitally re-mastered and enhanced cover artwork versions. A tell-tale sign to denote a wrapped CD as a digitally re-mastered CD, is to look for production year on the reverse. If it says © 2003, then it’s a re-master.
Börje Forsberg
Since 2003, Black Mark Productions has been resuming Bathory's entire discography in waves. With the release of the entire last album "Nordland II", the premiere of which coincided with the 20th anniversary of the band's existence. Re-issues also appear immediately after the death of Stig Börje "Boss" Forsberg (R.I.P .: September 14, 2017), father of Quorthon (R.I.P .:
June 3, 2004).
DOCdata Germany - It was established in 1999 and formerly known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc.
For this reason is Glass Mastered At.
DOCdata Germany
Label Code: LC 06201
2002-2003: Mastering SID Code: IFPI LL88 & Mould SID Codes: IFPI 52**
Bathory - Nordland I - Release added by the user in 2005.
Bathory - Nordland I - Release added by the user in 2006.
Bathory - Nordland II - Release added by the user in 2006.
Bathory - Nordland II - Release added by the user in 2007.
Bathory - Octagon - Release added by the user in 2012.
Bathory - Requiem - Release added by the user in 2012.
Bathory - Hammerheart - Release added by the user in 2013.
Bathory - Bathory - Release added by the user in 2014.
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Release added by the user in 2014.
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - The Return...... - Release added by the user in 2015.
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Release added by the user in 2015.
---------------------------------- Sony DADC --Since spring 2000, "Sony DADC" (Made in Austria)------------------------------------------
Black Mark AB in 2006 - Made in Austria. - only discs with this information can be assigned to this release: "Made in Austria" - Glass Mastered At – Sony DADC: Mastering SID Codes: IFPI L555 & IFPI L551:
Label Code: LC 06201
2006: 010065xxxx-010076xxxx
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2007 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Hammerheart - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2008 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - The Return...... - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Bathory - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2009 - IFPI L551 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2011 - IFPI L554 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Requiem - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2013 - IFPI L555 -----no mention---
Bathory - Octagon - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2013 - IFPI L555 -----no mention---
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2015 - IFPI L555 "Made in Austria"
Bathory - Nordland I - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2015 - IFPI L555 Made In Sweden
Bathory - Nordland II - Release 2006 - added by the user in 2017 - IFPI L555 Made In Sweden
------------------ 2010------- Sound Performance --- (It was previously a DOCdata UK (2009 - 2014)-----------------------------
BATHORY - release - Black Mark - Matrix/Runout - forum:
Black Mark Production in 2010 decided to re-release Bathory's discography.
Sound Performance was commissioned to press CD's, which barely took over plant in Telford, Shropshire from DOCdata Media Ltd. (DOCdata UK) in 2009.
Matrices made by Sound Performance (Glass Mastered At (?) It was previously a DOCdata UK company).
For some reason, the Promese company received an order to press CDs on their machines (based on ready-made matrices from Sound Performance).
2010 from book "Del Hades al Valhalla":
Pressed By – Sound Performance (2009-14)
Made By – Sound Performance
Pressed By – Promese (2008 - 2016): Mother matrix made by Sound Performance, and on its basis at Promese, copies of this album were reproduced on their machine.
Label Code: LC 06201
Black Mark Production in 2010 - Mastering SID Codes: IFPI LP76 & IFPI LT23 - Mould SID Codes: IFPI AAH** & IFPI 73**:
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Bathory added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese / Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - The Return...... added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods added by the user in 2011. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood Fire Death added by the user in 2011. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2015. ???? By Sound Performance
Bathory - Requiem added by the user in 2015. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Octagon added by the user in 2015. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Hammerheart added by the user in 2015. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2015. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Nordland I added by the user in 2016. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese / Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Nordland II added by the user in 2016. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2017. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Blood Fire Death added by the user in 2017. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Hammerheart added by the user in 2017. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2021. Pressed By – Sound Performance
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods added by the user in 2021. Made By – Sound Performance / Pressed By – Promese
---------------------------------------------------Sony DADC, Southwater------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stig Börje "Boss" Forsberg, father of Quorthon (Bathory) and owner of Black Mark Productions died on September 14 in 2017.
Another thread (Sony DADC, Southwater) - Mastering SID Codes: IFPI LY33 & IFPI LY34 - Mould SID Codes: IFPI AEW**
Black Mark Production in "2016 - 2018" - Mostly different users:
Label Code: LC 06201
Bathory - Nordland I ~ 2016 - esk...
Bathory - Blood Fire Death ~ 2017 - Lem...
Bathory - Bathory ~ 2017 - bto...
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark ~ 2017 - Nog...
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods ~ 2017 - Nog...
Bathory - Nordland II ~ 2017 - Dru...
Bathory - Blood On Ice ~ 2018 - esk...
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods ~ 2019 - Nog...
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds ~ 2019 - tar...
Bathory - Hammerheart ~ 2019 - Vin...
Bathory - Octagon ~ 2019 - Vin...
Bathory - The Return...... ~ 2020 - Mor...
MPO - French vinyl, CD, DVD pressing and cassette duplication plant, manufacturing and distribution company.
Black Mark Production in 2018 (from matrix):
Label Code: LC 06201
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods 2018
Bathory - Hammerheart 2018
Bathory - Blood Fire Death 2018
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark 2018
Bathory - The Return...... 2018
Bathory - Bathory 2018 Japan - Distributed By – Disk Union - this released Bathory - Bathory
Bathory - Bathory 2018
Bathory - Requiem 2019
Bathory - Octagon 2020
Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds 2020
MPO The time stamp is clearly separate from the rest of the matrix (totally different font size), so putting these in one line is just a (not allowed) preference edit - see also this similar case: https://www.discogs.com/release/53594-Happy-Nation/history?diff=63&page=2
---------------------------------------Sony DADC BMCD666** 21 A00-----2018-2019------------------------------------------------
Bathory - Blood On Ice added by the user in 2019. Sony DADC BMCD66612 21 A00
Bathory - Nordland I added by the user in 2021. BMCD66618 91 A00
Bathory - Nordland II added by the user in 2022. Sony DADC BMCD66620 66 A00
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark added by the user in 2022. BMCD6663 21 A00
----------- Glass Mastered at or Pressed By – Optical Experts Manufacturing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Label Code: LC 06201
Not an official release?? Exception?
Bathory - Blood On Ice - Issue at least controversial, or a stupid joke ?! Glass Mastered at – BOD Berlin Optical Disc - from 2003....
Bathory - Octagon - Glass Mastered at – BOD Berlin Optical Disc - from 2003....
!!! 'Pressed By' + 'Glass Mastered At' for every manufacturer?
NCB (Nordisk Copyright Bureau) = Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Estonia - also written as "n©b".
So we enter rights societies as on release.
█ ■ ✳ ¤ •
Ææ Ãã Ââ Āā Ăă Ąą Ää Åå Àà Áá Çç Čč Ćć Ðð Ď Ěě Ĕĕ Êê Ēē Ëë Ęę Èè Éé Ģģ Ìì Íí Îî Ïï Īī Įį Ķķ Ĺĺ Ļļ Łł Ññ Ņņ Ňň Ôô Õõ Øø Ōō Œœ Öö Òò Óó Ŗŗ Řř Şş Šš Ţţ Ûû Üü Űű Ųų Żż Žž Þþ ß ÿ
ⓤ € £ $ ¿ ¡ ¼ ¾ ½ µ ± ≠ ℅ ∞ ₁ ₂ ₃ ¹ ² ³ ¢ § ° º × † ♥ ♦ ✩ ★ ← ↑ → ↓ ¦ | ± ‒ – ■ · • ∴ № ∇ ⋆ ◊ ∆ Λ • »« „ÄäÖöÜüß“ △ ▽ ▷ ◁ ✱⚹ ✵ ❉ ❋ ✺ ✹ ✸ ✶ ✷ ✵ ✴ ✳ ✲ ⁎ ☑ ☐ × ✘ ✔
Alphabetical - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809350
Numerical - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809348
Symbols - https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/809349
RSG §5.2.j ASIN is the Amazon Standard Identification Number...
Expanded format is preferred RSG §6.1.2
??? "Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY22" ???https://www.discogs.com/label/283546-DigiCon ??? https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/761866 ???
The Mastering SID Code identifies the machinery used to make the glass master.
Role of "Cinram GmbH" - the company is identified from the glass master.
The Mould SID Code[b/] indicates the plant where the disc was replicated and a serial number which can be set freely by the plant. It consists of the letters “IFPI” followed by a four or five alphanumeric digit code
! "[b]iƒpi - 𝑖𝑓𝑝𝑖" ! RSG §5.2.d SID codes (Source Identification Codes): "When entering SID codes, please do not transcribe the logo as iƒpi. Lowercase ifpi should be used instead."
ZPAV is a member of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry IFPI.
When Should Release Be Removed? RSG §15.1.2
Not a Repress as this is a new cat#
Technicolor 0MM
Technicolor Mould SID Code: ifpi 7Q**
UG21 or UG2I http://redump.org/disc/46022/
Accept - Too Mean To Die UG2I vs. UG21
Benediction - Scriptures UGII vs. UG11
"Slowdive - Pygmalion
Matrix / Runout (CD 1 variant 2): CAP07073 CDBRED463A 02 www.keyproduction.co.uk
Mastering SID Code (CD 1 variant 2): IFPI LR79
Mould SID Code (CD 1 variant 2): IFPI UG11
Matrix / Runout (CD 2 variant 2): CAP07072 CDBRED463B 02 www.keyproduction.co.uk
Mastering SID Code (CD 2 variant 2): IFPI LR79
Mould SID Code (CD 2 variant 2): IFPI UG11
CAP07073 - Looks like a 2022 matrix to me.
Myriad Please help: Are we able to determine if this should be the matrix from Vantiva, Piaseczno, Poland?
[quote=Myriad]There's no need for separate submissions here. They come from the same manufacturing plant from last few years. We've never made a practice of creating a new submission for every single new glass master made as part of continuous manufacture by the same plant.[/quote] "
ARVATO "Certain clients such as Sony Music or Warner may replace the Arvato logo with their own, or there may be no logo present at all. Arvato may still be identified on such CDs by the matrix format, 5xxxxxxx matrix number and mould SID code IFPI 07xx.".
Concept Records (6)Sound and glass mastering facility located in Malmö, Sweden. CDs glass mastered at CDM can be identified by "CDM0x" or "CDMAx" in the matrix, where "x" is a digit from 1 to 4. CDM produced glass masters for a number of different European pressing plants in the late 1980s and 1990s, including:
Kdg kdg (Koch Dureco Group) - Matrix numbers
kdg CDs often possess a 6-digit matrix number: Example: Matrix / Runout: 789.400 #1 ServiceDVD.it
Sony DADC Forum: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/906958?page=2#9819713
PRS Hannover - PDO, Germany - Polygram, Hanover, West Germany - PMDC, Germany:
By the way, there are different PDO matrix styles:
1) old (smaller) matrix font, symbols "⚹" or "#". Used 1986 to approxemately 1990.
2) new (larger) matrix font, symbols "'/", "+" or ">". Used 1988 to 1991.
A) PDO HANOVER in the matrix, used in 1986 and maybe 1987.
B) W. GERMANY in the matrix (with space), used 1986 to approxemately 1988.
C) W.GERMANY in the matrix (without space), used from 1988 to 1991.
Known combinations (looking at my collection) are: 1A, 1B, 1C and 2C.
MADE IN GERMANY (without manufacturer) does indeed refer to PRS Hannover pressings from 1991-1992.
RSG §12.2.9 "Enhanced CDs containing extra material...".
"Enter the enhanced tracks after the audio material.". - Not an audio track.
Do not guess or attempt to apply personal standards to these tags. If you are going to do multiple edits regarding these tags, remember to follow guideline RSG §14.1.2
"A release with SID codes cannot have been made before 1994. If the date cannot be established with a citation or an adequate explanation, the date should be left blank." RSG §5.3
UK & Europe - Europe, see https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/717608#7133070
RSG §6.1.5 The Free Text field should be used to describe:
! RSG §6.1.6 "...released using different packaging (for example, a slimline jewel case and a Digipak), package description should not be added to the free text field, but remain in the Release Notes.".
Pressed By – EDC, Germany – ########
Matrix with small letters: Pressed 2005-2007
Matrix with capital letters: Pressed after 2007.
Glass Mastered At - DOCdata Germany it was formerly known as BOD Berlin Optical Disc.
?"? Akord (2) Pressing
Stereo Style - this is only broker company
Matrix / Runout: XXXX
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L700
Mould SID Code ("IFPI" scratched out): ZY02"
Sony DADC matrix: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/906958?page=2#9563876
! "In February / March 2021, the wmfono company ceased production and ceased to exist.
The services were taken over by X-DISC (www.x-disc.pl)."
https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/719616?page=12 - by X-DISC "?"
RSG §12.6.5 When the printed durations do not match the actual durations and the difference is more than ±5 seconds, enter the actual durations and list the printed durations in the Release Notes. When the difference is less than ±5 seconds, enter the printed durations.
BaOI - "none": Referring to a section of the paragraph 5.10, to distinguish and determining the role in the LCCN.
RSG §5.10 "...but only when this is needed for differentiation of the release from other versions."
Only use to the mastering SID code to definitively confirm its absence.
Removed unnecessary square brackets.
RSG §4.7.1 The catalog number is usually the most prominent number printed on the release - often on the spine, on the back cover, and on the label etc. The catalog number should be entered directly as it appears on a release - it shouldn't be altered for conformity with other catalog numbers listed on the label page.
TAKT + bonus info: https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/719616?page=14&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10427229#10427214
- one with 8285532 02 6
- one with 8285532 02 6 MADE IN THE UK
- one with 8285532 02 6 MADE IN THE UK BY UNIVERSAL M & L
"Black Disc" This version of the disc is made of black polycarbonate, not regular CD (transparent polycarbonate) . Commonly known as the Black Disc.
RSG §6.1.5 "The Free Text field should be used to describe:
Any non-standard color of the audio carrier."
"This "free text" field can be used to note anything else about the release that doesn't fit into the other fields." Something that distinguishes a given edition from others.
"Gold disc" - discs using gold as the reflective surface instead of aluminum.
The holograms: ZPAV vs, ZPAV-ZAIKS
"The number on the hologram sticker is different on each copy. The prefix itself might be useful though.
ZPAV from sticker to differentiate it from ZPAV-ZAIKS holograms which came later.
ZPAV is not a musical rights society but a manufacturers' rights society (member of IFPI)..."
STEREO tags https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/1027948?page=1&utm_campaign=thread-notify&utm_source=relationship&utm_medium=pm&message_id=10581691#10583197
! https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/824039?message_id=8225437 !
Part 1 in the Runaljod-trilogy - music inspired by the 24 runes of the elder ᚠᚢþᚨᚱᚲ (futhark - runic alphabet). Each part deals with 8 runes. The runes explored on part 1 are ᚺ (H), ᛒ (B), þ (TH), ᛃ (J), ᛚ (L), ᚲ (K), ᛉ (Z), ᛞ (D).