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Phase 3 (between 1968 and September 1978) - "lettres-codes":
Introduced by the "Syndicat national de l'édition phonographique" (SNEP), consisting of 1 letter (later 2 letters).
Usually found encircled on the back cover, top right hand side. The code corresponded to a common price, imposed on all record companies and (due to state-imposed fixed margins) on retailers. So, the retail price resulted automatically.

Note: usually, the price codes changed in the last quarter of the year, therefore the overlaps in years.
For example, the code valid for 1973 (= O) was in fact already introduced in October 1972.

For 33 cm records (LPs and 12"s) there were now the following codes:
A, M, S, D (earlier codes, carried over from the previous code system)
T, U - introduced 1968
B, C, E, F, G, H, R - introduced 1970
I, K, Q, W, X - introduced 1971 (Q and W were used for import records)
Z - introduced 1972

Prices were fixed by the Ministry of Finance until 1972. After that, the record companies had more flexibility in their price policies and hence more codes were introduced, until the whole alphabet was in use:
O - introduced 1973
Y - introduced 1974
FB - introduced 1975
V, KC, RB, SE, SF - introduced 1977

Double LPs had:
2xF (ca. 34 FRF), 2xD (ca. 42 FRF), 2xT (ca. 50 FRF), 2xC (ca. 60 FRF), 2xU (ca. 70 FRF), a.m.m.

Triple LPs had:
3xRB (ca. 50 FRF), etc.

Attention in case of reissues: when the price for the record didn't change, the price code didn't either. So you may very well find a price code from 1969 (T) on a Pink Floyd album of 1975. It's also possible that there are several reissues with different price codes. Because printing a new cover for each price change was too expensive, the companies often used small stickers, covering the old price code. See here for an example.

Generally, you can group the various LP and 12" price codes (26 altogether in 1978) in four categories:
Budget-line (for established releases, between 10 and 25 FRF in 1978): codes D, E, F, G, H, R, V, Z, FB, RB.
Medium price (between 25 and 35 FRF in 1978): codes B, U, C, T.
New releases (between 35 and 50 FRF in 1978): codes A, K, O, S, X, Y, SE, SF.
Special releases (higher than 50 FRF in 1978), codes I, Q, W, KC.

There were 2 major price adjustments in 1974 and 1977, leading to higher prices for all price codes.
A: 37 FRF (1970), 37,50 (1972), 39 FRF (1974), 40 FRF (1977)
B: 32 FRF (1970), 34 FRF (1974), 34,50 (1977)
C: 26 FRF (1970), 28 FRF (1974), 28,50 FRF (1977)
D: 20,50 (1970), 22 FRF (1974), 22,50 FRF (1977)
E: 10 FRF (1970), 11 FRF (1974), 11,50 FRF (1977)
F: 16,50 FRF (1970), 17 FRF (1974), 18,50 FRF (1977)
G: 16 FRF (1970), 16,50 FRF (1974), 17,50 FRF (1977)
H: 11,50 FRF (1970), 12,50 FRF (1973), 13,50 FRF (1974), 13,70 FRF (1977)
I: 60 FRF (1971), 64 FRF (1974), 65 FRF (1977)
K: 32,50 FRF (1971), 45,50 FRF (1972), 48,50 FRF (1974), 49,50 FRF (1977)
O: 45 FRF (1972), 47 FRF (1974), 47,50 FRF (1977)
Q: 57 FRF (1971), 60 FRF (1974), 61 FRF (1977)
R: 12,70 FRF (1970), 13,50 FRF (1973), 14,50 FRF (1974), 14,90 FRF (1977)
S: 38,50 (1970), 40,50 FRF (1974), 41,50 FRF (1977)
T: 24,25 (1970), 26,25 FRF (1974), 26,50 FRF (1977)
U: 28 FRF (1970), 30 FRF (1974), 30,50 FRF (1977)
V: 14,50 FRF (1977)
W: 49,50 FRF (1971), 52,50 FRF (1974), 53,50 FRF (1977)
X: 40,50 FRF (1971), 46 FRF (1974), 49,50 FRF (1977)
Y: 36,50 FRF (1974), 37,50 FRF (1977)
Z: 20 FRF (1972), 21 FRF (1974), 21,50 FRF (1977)
KC: 52 FRF (1977)
SE: 46 FRF (1977)
SF: 46,50 FRF (1977)
FB: 19,90 FRF (1975), 19,95 FRF (1977)
RB: 16,50 FRF (1977)

For 45rpm singles the codes were (+ 1978 prices):
L (since 1968) - 8,50 FRF (1978)
J (since 1972) - 9 FRF (1978)
M (for EPs - since 1968) - 12 FRF (1978)
NA (1971 - 1975)
N (since 1973) - 9,95 FRF (1978) - (not to be confused with Visadisc, see below)
PN (since 1974) - 6,10 FRF (1978)
E (since 1975) - 11,50 FRF (1978)
EA (since 1976)
EC (since 1977)
LA (since 1974) - 8 FRF (1978)

Company specific codes:
N (Visadisc 7", since 1964)
P4 (Visadisc 7", since 1969)
OE (Carrousel LP, since 1975) - 10,90 FRF (1978)

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