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posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
Perestroika Combo - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah?
posted a review of Perestroika Combo - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah?. over 13 years ago
I know little about this group, other than they consist of Voda Tudor on keyboards; Andree Krause on guitar & vocals; Steffanie Lingsminat on bass vocals; Frank Neubert on drum & Holgar Kaack on guitar/vocals.
Side one opens with "Komplikation V"... See full review
posted a review of Your Brain On Drugs - Oil?. over 13 years ago
According to the inlay card of this cassette, YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS is Pete Solo. The cover of this cassette says it consists of six tracks, although there seem to be many, many more - opening with "March To The Beat (Of A Madman)" sharp spiky... See full review
Er* -
posted a review of Er* - "NO". over 13 years ago
The title track "No" opens play with sustaining notes & half-hidden spoken child's voice, joined by tape manipulation & various FX. A church organ loop lies beneath the thin, almost percussive scatterings of audio detritus which fall, confetti-like... See full review
Spleen (2) - It
posted a review of Spleen (2) - It. over 13 years ago
Somewhere between the RE-CONSTRICTION school of what we tend to call Hardcore Industrial (although they prefer tags like Torture Tech) and the post-Thrash excesses of the likes of GODFLESH and SCORN lies the place where SPLEEN have chosen to stake... See full review
Spleen (2) - ....The Past
posted a review of Spleen (2) - ....The Past. over 13 years ago
"Burning Skin" sucks into action a little like KILLING JOKE taking GODFLESH for a drive through a Rock-based Post-Industrial soundscape, and both sides contracting a clean welter of Punk. This is border-line Grunge while not quite getting there - but... See full review
posted a review of Ozone Bandits - We've Come For Your Atmosphere. over 13 years ago
Remember the adage "Power Corrupts - Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" - more than an element of truth? And from past experience - we know our politicians to be utterly corrupt, and yet we still vote for them still have faith in them, expect them to... See full review
blackhumour - Two Women: San Francisco 1988
posted a review of blackhumour - Two Women: San Francisco 1988. over 13 years ago
I choose to review this tape first because it is, without doubt, the easiest. Two sides - two tracks- two atmospheres. Side one is entitled "Tangie" (I think) and is a long, drawn out, sustained sound, like a constant, unrelenting Industrial wind,... See full review
posted a review of Side Effect (23) - In Love With A Shadow. over 13 years ago
This group were well-known in the Nuneaton area (which itself is relatively unknown) for a short duration. Japan were still making records and it was obvious that Side Effect were heavily influenced by them. From this I'd guess the year of this tape... See full review
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
Ogogo -
posted a review of Ogogo - "Live". over 13 years ago
For this album OG-O-GO manage to combine a more Trad Jazz background with Avant Garde-influences such as VARESE, STOCKHAUSEN and the Neo Classical tendency to portray a far less than pastoral world. A whole heap of other stylistic influences are... See full review
Ogogo -
posted a review of Ogogo - "Ira & Igor". over 13 years ago
Due to the problems I have been having re: space on this website, I have been waiting for a long while to review this album and have thus heard it a great number of times. Primarily it consists of flutes, tenor sax & clarinet, courtesy of IRA... See full review
:zoviet*france:* - Collusion
posted a review of :zoviet*france:* - Collusion. over 13 years ago
Those of you familiar with :ZOVIET FRANCE: will probably want to complete your collection with this assemblage of previously-released compilation tracks, while for those of you who are interested in the group, but don't really know where to start,... See full review
Zobel* / Thomasius* - Falscher Hase
posted a review of Zobel* / Thomasius* - Falscher Hase. over 13 years ago
The first side of this cassette is absorbed entirely by the track “Heavy Metal” - don’t judge this by the title - it’s neither MOTORHEAD or EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN, although it is more closely related to the latter. An atmospheric piece seemingly... See full review
Zero Gravity (2) - Space Does Not Care
posted a review of Zero Gravity (2) - Space Does Not Care. over 13 years ago
When I were a lad we were allowed to put our books down, file into whatever passed as a television room, and witness history in the making. Watching telly at school? Call that education? Maybe not. After all, I'm not so old as to have seen Armstrong... See full review
Zeni Geva - Live In Amerika
posted a review of Zeni Geva - Live In Amerika. over 13 years ago
It's nice to hear the Japanese pull their favourite Extreme Noise fetish into a Rock suit & let it loose upon the world, a little like a slightly-less-tasteful Godzilla. The first 11 tracks were recorded live at LACE in Los Angeles on 23rd August 92.... See full review
z.B.u.ä. - P V S S
posted a review of z.B.u.ä. - P V S S. over 13 years ago
This review was for a "Sample tape from PVSS".

A while since I have heard anything from these & while the sound has grown no less intense and cacophonic, they now lean away from pure blasting noise into the area of audio montage peopled by such... See full review
z.B.u.ä. - Buuhndahmaging
posted a review of z.B.u.ä. - Buuhndahmaging. over 13 years ago
This is perhaps one of the most noisy recordings I have ever heard, comparable perhaps with some of WHITEHOUSE's more extreme works, or perhaps "Dissonance" by MIGRAINE INDUCERS. From beginning to end this is a pure barriage of cacophonic noise,... See full review
posted a review that has since been deleted. over 13 years ago
XXX Atomic Toejam - A Gathering Of The Tribes For The First/Last Human Be-In
posted a review of XXX Atomic Toejam - A Gathering Of The Tribes For The First/Last Human Be-In. over 13 years ago
"God In A Pill" is a dense, complex dance piece, so full of samples & electronic excess, it immediately brings SKINNY PUPPY to mind, although is far more commercial. A behemoth of a dance track, it fills the room with its huge muscular sound, driven... See full review
X10 Feat. Tec Trance - X10 Feat. Tec Trance
posted a review of X10 Feat. Tec Trance - X10 Feat. Tec Trance. over 13 years ago
At frst this seems to be a thin & skeletal album, but soon you begini to appreciate the sparse sound contains a depth and complexity cunningly disguised by the mix. It probably owes as much to Hip Hop than it doesto any other type of music, often... See full review
Wunderlich Ausgang - To...
posted a review of Wunderlich Ausgang - To.... over 13 years ago
The “RED” side opens with whispered vocals, then a high 'n' happy metallic-sounding sequence / rhythm, hypnotically ushering in “Picture” - a bright, medium-paced DEPECHE MODE-type thing, unique in it’s own merits. "Black Tunnel” follows, drifting in... See full review
Rozz Williams - Every King A Bastard Son
posted a review of Rozz Williams - Every King A Bastard Son. over 13 years ago
I'm not that familiar with CHRISTIAN DEATH but know that ROZZ & his words are regarded by most to be genius. This, his spoken word album uses images so intensely black & pointedly death- related that I can only assume he's also in possession of a... See full review
White Stains - The Somewhat Lost Horizon
posted a review of White Stains - The Somewhat Lost Horizon. over 13 years ago
This is perhaps the most commercial album out of the entire collection (but I still don’t expect to see it on Top Of The Pops). It is divided into five pieces, which themselves are so complex that they seem to contain many, many more... See full review
White Slug - Cage Paralysis
posted a review of White Slug - Cage Paralysis. over 13 years ago
'Side Active' is credited with 5 tracks, but only seems to have four, so I'll have to guess which is missing. It opens think with "Sidewinder", a fast, tight piece of Punk-influenced music which could be described as sped-up Grunge. One of the most... See full review
Joy White - The Rising Sun
posted a review of Joy White - The Rising Sun. over 13 years ago
This is another decent piece of Reggae with a catchy refrain which says "We're Living In The Land Of The Rising Sun" with the keyboards being the only instrument to suggest this might indeed be so. It's a good song, but not quite strong enough to... See full review
White Hand & Brook Hinton - Cling
posted a review of White Hand & Brook Hinton - Cling. over 13 years ago
This is a rather nicely packaged tape - the box it comes in also doubles as a cover for a small booklet. The whole thing was bound by what I assumed was wire, but now think must be solder! An unusual concept - not expensive glossy stuff, but showning... See full review
James Whelan (2) & Andrew Pinches - Wizard On Wizard
posted a review of James Whelan (2) & Andrew Pinches - Wizard On Wizard. over 13 years ago
Despite the claim that this is 'New Age Electronic Synthesizer Space Rock Music', and irrespective of the awfully clichéd post-Tolkien imagery, this is actually a bloody wonderful album of mood music which borders on that of SAM ROSENTHAL's ever-brill... See full review
What's - Press Fire To Continue
posted a review of What's - Press Fire To Continue. over 13 years ago
Another eleven track feast from the home of E.B.M. - WHAT'S are a four piece band comprising of MARTIN CHEVALIER, JACQUES FANTINO, HENRY MANINI & CHRISTOPHE VLOEBERGHS, the former two of whom have done a lot of work on soundtracks. H.M. has studied... See full review
Whaleman - Whaleman Sings!
posted a review of Whaleman - Whaleman Sings!. over 13 years ago
Opening ironically with the last post, this album concentrates it’s spotlight on bowed electric bass guitar. which sounds very much like cello to me, “Suspicious Tales”, the aforementioned intro track is accompanied by shimmering chimes. “Baby... See full review
Westland - Westland
posted a review of Westland - Westland. over 13 years ago
I've listened to this tape many times now & still cannot pin them down to a common denominator, except perhaps an overall leaning towards basic simplistic rhythms, which are later complicated into a variety of very-different-sounding tracks. I'll try... See full review
Werkbund - Aquis Submersus
posted a review of Werkbund - Aquis Submersus. over 13 years ago
I'm a little confused as to which is the title, which is the group/artist etc, but never mind. What I do know is that if many of you were lucky enough to hear this once, you will buy it & keep it at the front of your collection. It's grey and dreary... See full review