
I'm a man 54 years old man,
I'm working home with music in my ears.

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Ææ Ãã Ââ Āā Ăă Ąą Çç Čč Ðð ĎĚ ĕ Êê Ēē Ëë Ęę Ģģ Ìì Íí Îî Ïï Īī Įį Ķķ Ĺĺ Ļļ Łł Ññ Ņņ Ňň Ôô Õõ Øø Ōō Œœ Ŗŗ Řř Şş Šš Ţţ Ûû Üü Űű Ųų Żż Žž Þþ ß ÿ

If your job don't get enough money, you can't do your job no more. -->
If music don't get money for artists, musicians can't work for music.
Please, do not upload studios (commercials) albums, buy them.

Some bootlegs following, just to listen songs doesn't appears on any albums :

Frank Black :
Live Malmö, Sweden (2001).
Live Poadcast, Various locations (2003).
Live Acoustic (2006).
Acoustic On 90.3 KEXP, Seattle, WA (13/11/2006)

J.J. Cale :
Live Old Eureka, USA (11/02/1983)

Live Minneapolis, Early Show (18/04/90)
Live Minneapolis, Late Show (18/04/90)

Coldplay :
Eurockéennes de Belfort (2000)

Live Manchester (2002)
Live Glastonbury Festival (2002)
Live Rotterdam (2002)

Serge Gainsbourg :
Taratata Covers (1993>2011)

Commercials (1970>1986)
Originals covered by Gainsbourg

Rolling Stones :
Outtakes Collection Vol.1,cd1 (1963>1964)- Remastered 2011
Outtakes Collection Vol.1,cd2 (1964) - Remastered 2011
BBC Sessions Anthology (1963>1965) - Remastered 2011
TV Sessions Anthology Vol1 (1964>1969) - Remastered 2011
TV Sessions Anthology Vol2 (1964>1969) - Remastered 2011
TV Sessions Anthology Vol3 (1964>1969) - Remastered 2011
Live Olympia, Paris (1965) - Remastered 2011
Live Olympia, Paris (1966) - Remastered 2011
Live Olympia, Paris (1967) - Remastered 2011

Recent Activity

Action Description
Jane Birkin - Jane Birkin
posted a review of Jane Birkin - Jane Birkin. about 1 year ago
Pour commencer, quelques observations sur les premiers CD

CD 9
La version présentée est la version augmentée de l'album, parue en juin 1999
Le titre 3, "A la légère" est donc le remix, le titre 07 "Voyage au bout de la nuit", un bonus.
Le titre 14... See full review
Various - Cha Cha Cha De Cuba
submitted Various - Cha Cha Cha De Cuba. over 12 years ago
Various - Surprise-Partie
submitted Various - Surprise-Partie "Transatlantique". over 12 years ago
Sacha Guitry - Le Mot De Cambronne (Comédie En 1 Acte)
submitted Sacha Guitry - Le Mot De Cambronne (Comédie En 1 Acte). over 12 years ago
Maurice Chevalier - Les Belles Années Du Music-Hall Vol.4
submitted Maurice Chevalier - Les Belles Années Du Music-Hall Vol.4. over 12 years ago
Lionel Hampton - Lionel Hampton
submitted Lionel Hampton - Lionel Hampton. over 12 years ago
Gershwin* - Rhapsody In Blue / Un Américain À Paris
submitted Gershwin* - Rhapsody In Blue / Un Américain À Paris. over 12 years ago
Bechet*, Luter* - Favorites
submitted Bechet*, Luter* - Favorites. over 12 years ago