
Born in Leuven, Belgium on January 14th, 1983.
Based in Ghent.

If you contact me in Dutch, we'll be able to keep talking for ever.
If you contact me in English, we'll be able to have a good conversation.
If you contact me in French, we'll be able to understand each other.
If you contact me in German, I might understand half of what you're saying, but I doubt I will be able to reply (in German).
As for any other language: try me! :D

Feel free to contact me if you think you have something to say to me :)

I won't be selling or trading any. Buying on the other hand... My wantlist however is not very representative, but I'll try to work on it. If you have something from my wantlist: give me your price and don't ask me how much I am willing to pay.

Really out-dated: DVD collection

Recent Activity

Action Description
Kommil Foo - Bek!
submitted Kommil Foo - Bek!. over 10 years ago