
Lee Montverde

Lee Monteverde

Real Name:Lee Mark Monteverde

Producer - engineer - songwriter from Lancashire, UK.

Having been an uncredited third member of Development Corporation in the early 1990s, Lee has always been around top 40 hits in some way, shape or form. Having also helped out A Guy Called Gerald, Urban Cookie Collective, Flip & Fill and Lucid in a career lasting over 20 years, Lee has come up trumps in more recent times with a number 1 hit as the 'L' part of LMC with their track 'Take Me To The Clouds Above' and also scored another top 20 to his name with Eyeopener's 'Hungry Eyes'. , Facebook , X
Aliases:Green Mountain, M L Green, Mercury Red, Verde (2)
In Groups:Development Corporation, E11even (2), Eyeopener, Groove Division (2), Koko (3), LMC, Logique (2), Wi-Fi (2)
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