
Mª Elena Walsh

Real Name:María Elena Walsh

Writer and singer, born February 1, 1930, in Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires, Argentina, died January 10, 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

María Elena Walsh was born to an English father and an Argentine mother of Andalusian descent and is mostly known for her work for children. Apart from her lyrical work for adults and children, she wrote songs as well as stage- and screenplays. Her songs for adults have been recorded by artists like Mercedes Sosa or Joan Manuel Serrat.

In 1947 her first book was published. Between 1952 and 1956 she went on exile to Paris and together with Leda Valladares she formed the folcloristic duo "Leda & María" which released several records between 1953 an 1963. She started to write songs for children, which are still popular in Argentina. María Elena Walsh wrote recitals for adults too, which she recorded as well. Her solo records were released between 1963 and 1976.

Sites:Wikipedia , Wikipedia
In Groups:Leda & María
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