
Gerry And The Holograms

Gerry And The Holograms


Situationist-indebted masked art-rock studio duo from England - the brainchild of Manchester's CP Lee (of Albertos Y Lost Trios Paranoias) and producer annex electronica excursionist John Scott. They were really a front for all sorts of musical shenanigans. For a long time their first single was their only recorded output, until more material was unearthed in 2017. Their second single was a conceptual and unplayable anti-record in the situationist art tradition. Each record came glued into its picture sleeve, rendering the disc completely unplayable even if you managed to tear it free as the glue had destroyed the grooves in the process (rivalling that of Peter Saville and Durutti Column’s Debordist sandpaper re-hash by at least 3 years). "Having risen from the electronic embers of Manchester’s first genuine psychedelic band, via Vertigo commissioned prog and experimental theatre, then refined through the musical mind behind the most inspired vinyl moments of Martin Hannett, John Cooper Clarke and Jilted John - the onliest discography of the GATH anti–band remains unrivalled as the most idiosyncratic and enigmatic pivotal post–punk artefact from the first electronic entrenchment of pop." In 1982 the duo would reappear alongside Lol Coxhill in 48 Chairs.

Sites:Bandcamp , ,
Members:C.P. Lee, John Scott (54)




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