
Banda Show Sinfonica Sunicancha Huarochiri

Banda Show Sinfonica Sunicancha Huarochiri


Peruvian brass band founded in 1957 which was led by saxophonist Anatolio Pomalia Chuquihuaringa. Over the years the name of the band changed from Banda Sinfonica De Sunicancha to different variations, such as Banda Show Sinfonica Sunicancha Huarochiri. Eventually it became known as "Banda Papá", because multiple other bands sprung from its original lineups. The group originated in the small settlement of Sunicancha, which has just over 800 inhabitants, but more than 9 different brass bands. The group's style is considered a fusion of the style of the Yauya district and the typical saxophone led arrangements of the Mantaro Valley.



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