
Luis Enrique Hernández

Luis Enrique Hernández


Luis Enrique Hernández was born in Barquisimeto on 06-15-44, in the Barrio Santa Elena, near the Plaza La Mora. At the ¨Riera Aguinagalde¨ School he began his studies, and from now on the musical restlessness, participating in the events cultural of this school.
In the study of Héctor Monteverde, he began to develop his artistic potential. Then he continues with presentations at the Musical Club, directed by Chelique Sarabia, alternating with Maria Teresa Chacin and Cherry Navarro, who also began their artistic steps on RCTV. In 1967, he recorded his first album, the beginning of his true artistic career, as it became known in the capital city of Madrid. It is presented in television programs, such as ´´SATURDAY SATURDAY ´´ and ´´ EL Tiempo es Oro´
on RCTV. Then in ´´ Carrucel de las Sorpresas ´´ on CVTV and ´´The Great Magazine of Thursday ´´, which brought together the star figures of the time, such as Felipe Pirela, Estelita del Llano, and the best of national talent.
After a brief artistic break, he reappears with greater force in 1973 with the song ´´ Back back ´´, which became a national success, bringing exclusive contracts with Venevición, as the star of his musical programs. Since this date, he has not stopped being in the multiple stages that claim his musical art, including Colombia, Peru, Curacao, Aruba and all Venezuela.
He has received numerous international, national and local awards, highlighting the “Luis Guillermo Iribarren” award in his only class.


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