



Polish folk band, founded in 1985 in Warsaw, Poland. A unique music project in Europe. The leader and originator of the group was Antoni Kania. Syrbacy they played on old, forgotten instruments. Their repertoire includes Polish songs, country and Slav-Jewish music or Russian-Gypsy ballads. Musical subjects have been largely taken from the work of Oskar Kolberg. The band played both original instruments and reconstructed on the basis of engravings, designs and descriptions. Kania did not want to faithfully reproduce folk music from centuries ago (though her pedigree was to be preserved). Its purpose was to update it, which is why music styles such as country, reggae and jazz appeared in the arrangements of songs. Band was ceased to exist with the death of his leader and founder, which took place at night, from 10 to 11 July 2014 in the village Jesionka (Poland).

Member: Antoni Kania (Antek Kania)

Sites:Wikipedia ,
Members:Antoni Kania


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