
CGD Compagnia Generale Del Disco S.p.a.


Italian record company.
It owned the CGD label which was distributed through affiliate Messaggerie Musicali. Records were pressed at CGD Pressing Plant.
In 1970 the company merged with CBS Italiana S.p.A. to form CBS Sugar Compagnia Generale Del Disco S.p.A.

In some releases you could find only:
- Compagnia Generale Del Disco
- Compagnia Generale Del Disco Spa
- Dischi C.G.D. - Compagnia Generale Del Disco
they refers to the same company so use always CGD Compagnia Generale Del Disco S.p.A.

Sublabels:CGD Pressing Plant, Idea Recording, Paradiso (2), Serie Smeraldo, Sorpasso
Contact Info:

CGD Compagnia Generale Del Disco S.p.A.
Via Quintilliano, 40
20138 Milan, Italy


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