
Oceanic Studios, Twickenham

Oceanic Studios, Twickenham image

Please, consider Boathouse Studios if stated that way on the release.

Studio (formerly a boathouse) in London, England, UK, situated on the south-west bank of the River Thames at Ranelagh Drive by Twickenham Bridge, owned by Pete Townshend.
In 1975, Pete Townshend bought The Boathouse (see Boathouse Studios that became the home of Eel Pie Sound and Oceanic Studios. In September 1981, Pete Townshend rebuilt the studio that became known as Eel Pie Studios (the name 'Oceanic' however didn't cease to appear on subsequent recordings).

See also Boathouse Studios.

Also known as:
- Eel Pie Oceanic Studios, Twickenham
- Eel Pie Oceanic Studios, London
- Eel Pie Oceanic Studio

Parent Label:Eel Pie Recording Productions Ltd.
Contact Info:

The Boathouse
Ranelagh Drive
Twickenham TW1 1QZ
UK , Wikipedia


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