
Rauno Lehtinen

Rauno Lehtinen

Real Name:Rauno Väinämö Lehtinen

Born April 7, 1932 in Tampere, Finland. Died May 1, 2006 in Helsinki, Finland. A Finnish musician (saxophone, piano, organ, mandolin, violin, bass etc.), composer, arranger, conductor, singer and producer.

He is probably most remembered from his hit "Letkis" in the 1960's, which has been recorded in over 90 countries all over the world. Also in Eurovision Song Contest in 1973, Marion (9) performed his composition "Tom Tom Tom", which remained the most successful Finnish entry in the contest until Lordi's victory in 2006.

He used the pseudonyms L. Väinämö, L. Rawski, V. Reko and V. Title.

Died May 1, 2006 in Helsinki, Finland.

Aliases:Anton Letkiss, L. Rawski, L. Väinämö, Stig Rauno, V. Reko
In Groups:Aron Animaalit, Backmanin Orkesteri, Jani Uhleniuksen Uusrahvaanomainen Orkesteri, Kauko Partion Orkesteri, Mieskuoro "Varsovan Laulu", Neljä Penniä, Rauno Lehtisen Kuoro, Rauno Lehtisen Orkesteri, Rautalanka Oy, Säälimättömät, Soitinyhtye "Lahjattomat", Soitinyhtye Liisa, Syntikaatin Kuoro Ja Orkesteri, The Chlorophyllies, The Finnish Letkiss All-Stars, The Modangos, The Vostok All-Stars
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