
Sevda Seyedi

Sevda Seyedi

Real Name:Sahar Seyedi

Sevda Seyedi ( Born 8 January 1993 in Mashhad ) is an Iranian Musical artist, Singer.
Sevda has been interested and talented in singing since the age of ten and received an art diploma at the University of the Arts in Melbourne. In addition to singing, She is also a theater actor and poet. In 2018, She participated in singing and sound production and Solfège classes, and since 2020, She has started working professionally in the field of singing.
She has also collaborated with famous people such as Soheil Khodabandeh, Ali Lebaschi, Amir Hesam Afshar, and his first track called "Ghalbam" produced by Ali Lebaschi was released in November 2020. So far, She has been able to publish songs called "Ghalbam", "Delam Batoe", "Baghale To", "Mahkom", "Asheghet Shodam", "Mano Divoneh Nakon" and "Nabayad Bargardam", as well as his protest song "Bekhon Az Zan" in the singing market.

Sites:Imdb , Instagram ,


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