
Henry Prichard

Henry Prichard

Real Name:Henry Power Prichard

American songwriter and pianist.
Born April 11, 1917 Paris, Kentucky Died Sep 14, 2013 (96 years old).
He worked in radio in Lexington and graduated from the University of Kentucky, Soon thereafter, he joined the Armed Forces, which brought him to New York City. Up till then he had written for his own amusement and never thought of songwriting as a profession.
While in New York, he was playing one of his tunes at BMI that Chelsea Publishing heard and asked for a copy. He hadn't yet written it all out but delivered the song that night before leaving town. He left for his mission somewhere overseas, and it wasn't until he returned to the United States that he learned that his "I Don't Want to Love You (Like I Do)" was a hit. It hit #14 on the U.S. charts in 1944 by Phil Brito. His other charted song was "Silver and Gold" by Pee Wee King in 1952 (co-written by Del Sharbutt and Bob Crosby)--it rose to #18 overall and #5 on the country charts.

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