
WEA Discos Ltda.

WEA Discos Ltda. image

Brazilian record company which was an affiliate WEA International Inc.
Operating from 1976 to 1978 only as distributor, from 1979 to 1983 as vinyl and cassette manufacturer and distributor and since 1984 only as distributor again.
WEA Discos Ltda owns the phonographic rights of WEA artists releases and is credited as a licencee company since 1976.

Note: this is a company, not a label. Please check how it is mentioned on your item and pick a matching role from the 'Label' dropdown menu on the submission form.
Check the release for logos to determine the correct label.

SCDP - SR/GB/DPE 273/76 - Permit number at the Serviço de Censura e Diversões Públicas - Polícia Federal.
CGC 42.470.112/0001-56 - Registration number on Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes do Ministério da Fazenda.

Parent Label:WEA International Inc.
Sublabels:Discos Rodeio - WEA Discos Ltda., Live In Concert (2), O Melhor De (5), Promo Disco Internacional, Série Infantil (2), Star Collection (10)


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