
ICP Orchestra

ICP Orchestra


About the relationship between ICP, ICP Tentet and ICP Orchestra (from the ICP Orchestra's website):

Bennink, Breuker and Mengelberg founded the ICP co-op in 1967. In 1974 the saxophonist left to form the Willem Breuker Kollektief, longtime flagship of Dutch improvised music. Mengelberg (and Bennink) founded the raggedy ICP Tentet (including German saxophonist Peter Brötzmann, and sometimes cellist Tristan Honsinger). That band matured into something very like the present-day ICP Orchestra in the 1980s, with the addition of younger players, some of whom have been there ever since: trombonist Wolter Wierbos, saxophonists/clarinetists Michael Moore and Ab Baars, and bassist Ernst Glerum. , Bandcamp , Facebook
Members:Ab Baars, Baldo Maestri, Enrico Rava, Ernst Glerum, Ernst Reijseger, Eugenio Colombo, Evert Hekkema, Garrett List, George Lewis, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Gianluigi Trovesi, Guus Janssen, Han Bennink, Keshavan Maslak, Larry Fishkind, Maartje Ten Hoorn, Mary Oliver, Maurice Horsthuis, Michael Moore (4), Misha Mengelberg
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